Z3 - Content Management System. web site sites support set filling complete system services network modules information cost work quantity positioning maintenance internet developed
Z3 - Content Management System. web site sites support set filling complete system services network modules information cost work quantity positioning maintenance internet developed

Adptive modular system "Z3"
It is the program complex adapted for the inexperienced user (a control system of the maintenance(contents)), allowing to automate managerial process as a site as a whole, and its structure, information filling, users and rights of access, and also giving additional services: conducting statistics, search, means of interaction with users etc.
Typical variants of delivery
The submitted sets of modules are typical, and in most cases are sufficient for creation of a high-grade Web-site of the organization. However the set can be added, or is reduced at the request of the customer.
In any complete set management of the maintenance Web-site remains completely adapted for maintenance of its serviceability by regular employees of the organization.
The complete set ALFA
It is developed for filling and support Web-sites of the state municipal formations.
Allows to deduce the actual help information and the documentation to work with the population (including to support work of Virtual Reception) and the enterprises located in territory of municipal formation(education), and also contains all necessary for positioning and advertising of a site in a network the Internet.
Quantity(amount) of modules - 24
Base cost 8 000 $
The complete set BETA
It is developed for filling and support Web-sites of the public and state organizations.
Allows to deduce(remove) the actual help information and the documentation to work with the friendly enterprises, and also contains all necessary for positioning and advertising of a site in a network the Internet.
Quantity(amount) of modules - 17
Base cost 6 000 $
The complete set GAMMA
It is developed for filling and support Web-sites of the organizations making own production.
Allows to conduct the catalogue of the goods and services to remove the help information about factory, and also contains all necessary for positioning and advertising of a site in a network the Internet.
Quantity(amount) of modules - 14
Base cost 4 200 $
The complete set DELTA
It is developed for filling and support Ni-sites of the organizations making own production.
Allows to conduct the catalogue of the goods and services to deduce(remove) the help information about factory, and also contains all necessary for positioning and advertising of a site in a network the Internet.
Quantity(amount) of modules - 10
Base cost 3 250 $
The complete set EPSILON
It is developed specially for filling and support of personal Web-sites. By development wishes of friends and relatives of collective of developers were taken into account.
Allows to publish news to enter a picture album, to deduce(remove) the contact information.
Quantity(amount) of modules - 9
Base cost 1 750 $
Additional services
Except for services in change of design of a site, within the framework of typical patterns, installation of modular system on Web-server of the customer, preliminary adjustment of parameters of work of a control system by the maintenance (entering e-mail addresses and essential elements of the customer, differentiation of rights of access to the administrative interface), consultations on work with the system, the complete sets of delivery included in cost, we offer for Web-sites of the customer:
  • Development of structure Web-site
  • Development of original design
  • Support and maintenance Web-sites
  • Service of computers and a local network
  • Adjustment of the applied software
  • Positioning and promoution Web-site in a network the Internet
  • Development of the custom-made software for Web-sites
  • The form of submission of the forward ordering:

    Firm Name:
    Phone number*:

    The fields, marked * are obligatory for filling.